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Pan-Starrs telescope begins operations to hunt asteroids

"A new telescope facility in Hawaii designed to search for asteroids and comets which could threaten Earth has been made operational."

Category: Space


San Francisco set to pass cell phone radiation law

"San Francisco is set to be the first city in the US to require mobile phone retailers to post radiation levels next to handsets they sell."

Category: Communications


Oil spill muddies green political waters

Those calling for action over the BP oil spill seem to be falling into two camps - those seeingit as a call to completely revamp the US energy system, versus those who see it as a mere issue of technology. A report from the BBC


Zero-carbon vision sees UK as cleaner, greener and leaner within 20 years

"Centre for Alternative Technology launches influential report that shows how Britain could eliminate emissions by 2030"


Nuclear reactors could see closure deferred to help bridge funding gap

"Plans are under way to extend the life of the UK's oldest nuclear reactors, which would ease the government's need to find an extra £4bn for clean-up funding, the Guardian has learned."

Displaying results 641 to 645 out of 2977